I always see and say myself: Let Your Faith Be Bigger Than Your Fear!
Easier said then done, right?
How do you let your FAITH take over so you do not live in fear of what is next?
That is a tough one that I have been pondering for a long time.
You see I have FAITH.
FAITH in what I believe.
FAITH in people.
But I seem to lack FAITH in the "PLAN" whatever that is because LORD knows but I don't
I struggle. ALL.THE.TIME
You know what will be, what is next, the future, the unknown.
I always say "Thy will be done" , "What will be will be" but who am I kidding?
Do I really BELIEVE that? Do I really practice that? I try but it is HARD to let it all rest in his hands. I know if I could I would control the outcome and believe me I have tried, really tried at times BUT...it often times backfires. There in lies the reason why I should let it go...But yet I continue to stress and worry...to my demise.
How do you let your faith be bigger than your fear?
Yup, it was my youngest birthday this past weekend and for her birthday breakfast she wanted DONUTS...so DONUTS is what she got!
Her day continued with whatever her heart desired because it was HER day.
So we went to the park and had a picnic for the afternoon. Then she chose HER birthday dinner. Any guesses?
Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes and Peas/Carrots!
Who knew? I didn't know that this has now become her favorite dinner.
And now onto her "friend" birthday party that we are having this weekend! In light of us returning from Hawaii a couple weeks ago, she decided on a Luau themed party.
I have a few tricks up my sleeve to pull this off. I will share what we did hopefully next week and post some pictures too.
I have 30 of these types of posts?? What? That is a lot of humiliation.... but I guess it is alright, better to laugh at myself than at others, right PLUS...I like to keep it real around these parts.
I am sure I can easily write 150 of these each week but I'd rather not bore you so I periodically post some of the more meaningful fails just for giggles. LOL. I figure when I eventually look back fondly on this little ol' blog of mine, I will at least see how far I have really come. Can I get an AMEN?
Talking about this little ol' blog of mine. We go way back (go here to see when it all started) even though I don't write nearly as much lately (last couple years). I have decided with the help of my, what I like to call life coach (ahh ummm counselor) that I am going to write more, I need to write more. I like to write. It is a good outlet for me, even if it is a silly post every couple days.
So bring on the humiliation....
1. Christmas (holidays) can't happen fast enough. I know, I know ba-humbug. I like the holidays, I just don't like the consumerism and all the hurrying that comes with it. So anticlimatic.
2. I love to cook but man, lately, I am a hot mess when it comes to actually cooking. The kids seem to be getting a little bit pickier as they are getting older so I feel like more often than not when I cook what I think is an awesome meal, they are like....nah, not so much. SO...I just don't cook a lot during the week right now. This to shall pass. Yes, I still feed my kids, just not a 4 course gourmet meal. (Ha! Who am I kidding, like it was ever gourmet!)
3. I wrote about this I think in my last confessions post which was last year, like 2016, that we haven't had professional Christmas pictures in a couple years and well, not this year, either. I take lots of pictures, I do, just not professional. Sorry not sorry. Have you seen some of these?
4. My paperwork at home is getting out of hand. I need an intervention. I used to be so good and organized with the yearly file boxes with a folder for each month to put all your paperwork in, warranty papers, bills, etc...and now. THIS.
5. My 7 year old daughter, one morning recently, crawls into my bed, it must have been around 5:45am right before my alarm was going to go off and says..."Mom, why do dogs lick their butt?" .....
And I got nuthin especially that early! Kids, they say the darndest things at the darndest times. I had to save that one for later. Still chewing on this one. I think I will goo-goo it. Lol.
Goo-Goo, did you see the Italian lady who was gifted a Google Home for Christmas. Sooo funny.
Check it out.
Any confessions? Mom fails? Dad fails? Grandma fails? C'mon, it's safe here.