Saturday, September 10, 2011

Six Word Saturday

Ya!  It is Saturday and you all know what that means...

6WS.  Want to join in?  Describe what is going on in your life at the moment in 6 words and then link up with Cate over at Show My Face.


Hayden's First Day of Preschool.  Success!

What was I so worried about?  He did awesome!  Within minutes of getting him signed in, stuff put in his cubbie, hands washed, he was off and running.  Meeting new friends, playing with blocks, play doh, puzzles.

And he got to play on the playground in the boat. Ohh and he was line leader! 

When I picked him up, he was still napping peacefully.  He was all tuckered out from a busy day at preschool. 

What was  I so worried about?

Have an awesome Saturday!


  1. First anythings are worrying, but to be savoured. Enjoy!

  2. Oh that worrying will never leave you...but let the good times roll in there too! Enjoy your precious moments!

  3. Even when they're adults you worry about their first days - it's part of being a mum :-)

    Glad he was okay (and glad you survived also)


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