Friday, July 22, 2011

In Season

Strawberry season is in full swing here in the Pac NW.

You literally can not buy the baskets/flats of strawberries fast enough. 

There is a little stand right around the corner from our house that sales seasonal fruit from a local farmer and often times when I have stopped in to buy a flat ($11.00) they are all out.  Ughh!

I did however get a flat a couple weeks ago.

Check out these babies!  Super sweet, plump, and juicy!


I made a strawberry parfait with strawberries and vanilla yogurt...YUM!


And while we were in Sunriver last week, we bought some at the local IGA and made strawberry shortcake one night and then the next we had left over *frozen* strawberry and banana bites (with whipped cream).



Don't they look delightful?


  1. We have a stand just a couple miles from our place and stop once a week for strawberries and by the time the weekend is over the kids have devoured most of them. I find that if you freeze them the kids love sucking on them on hot days for hours. It cools you off. I even do grapes that way too.

  2. Oh they look delicious!
    Making me hungry now!!


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