It's a blog meme held by Cate over at where we share with our readers life happenings in 6 words. It can be something serious, something fun, a quote, you can share a picture, whatever you want.
Just DO IT and then link up.
CHANGE is like death. It's inevitable.
Seasons change. People change. Life changes.
Funny thing, I said something to this effect to a good friend of mine a few weeks ago when she was talking about all the changes that were taking place at her job with new technology, new processes, etc. I told her you have to be flexible and always on your game because sometimes you just can't control *it*. You have to always be one step ahead so not to be left behind.
Now if only I would use my advice. LOL. A lot easier said than done.
Have an AWESOME Saturday!

You're right, it is easier said than done, hope whatever change is is coming goes well for you though.
ReplyDeleteChange is opportunity. I'm really big on new beginning and new chances. Change allows for these new beginnings :)
ReplyDeleteEmbrace change or suffer. Cling to nothing. This is the Second Noble Truth, the dharma of impermanence, well stated.
ReplyDeleteChange is easier to watch someone else go through then yourself...It stinks sometimes! (Found your blog from Six Word Saturday)
ReplyDeleteSanp again - you and I are pretty finely tuned with the things we say. I wrote almost this same thing on someone elses post yesterday
ReplyDeleteArgghhhh! - Maybe I meant *snap*
ReplyDeleteWhat very wise and thoughtful words!
McGuffy's Reader
Oh yeah, great minds think alike! Have a great week one step ahead!