Monday, January 7, 2013

Think Healthy. Be Healthy.


I am borrowing my friends word of the year. 

It is a great word.  I hope you don't mind, Fi!


I am visualizing being healthier, but if I am to be
100% honest, I am also visualizing myself being skinnier.
I was looking at some older pictures of when I was skinnier and (healthier).
And although I don't want to send the wrong message because I know
just because someone is skinny does not automatically
make them healthy just as being *overweight*
does not automatically make them unhealthy.
But for me, for now, this is what is motivating me.
Being skinnier.
I am not set on a size per se but definitely set on a number.
A number that I used to be. 


(Taken July 2004)

This is where I want to be. 


Make sure to come back on Wednesday for my Weigh In Wednesday post.



  1. You go girl - I know you can do it.

    For the record, my word, it works amazingly well. A post coming real soon on how well it has worked for me so far this year.

  2. Cute graphic for your weight loss journey. I agree with Fi that that mantra definitely works; I've used it several times in the last decades for 20-30+ lb weight "resetting". TALU greetings and I'm rooting and prayin' for ya'!

    And if you take a notion to add more fruits, veggies and whole grains into your life, pop by my site at for some ideas. Thanks!


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