Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Caroling

Last Sunday our church had the opportunity to visit one of the local retirement centers and sing Christmas carols to the residents.  Before we went all the kids made Christmas cards to pass out to the residents.

Daddy & Kaylyn coloring cards

There was a really funny moment that seemed to break the ice in between songs when one of the smaller kids noticed an old man with a frown on his face.  He says, "I hope this song cheers him up!"  We all had a laugh.  Unfortunately, I am not sure the man heard or understood what he was referring to.  I think he may have had Alzheimer's.  Such a terrible disease.

They *love* the babies.

I am glad we were able to bring a little bit of Christmas cheer to others. 

Picture perfect

Ohh almost forgot, they had a Tator Family!  I had to take a picture of this!

Isn't that funny!

1 comment:

  1. Reading this post reminded me of how much we sometimes lose the real meaning of Christmas - making people smile and feel loved.

    What a great idea for your church to do something like this. Love the Tator family :-)


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