Wednesday, August 22, 2012


That is what it has been like around these parts of the blog world.  A whole lot of quiet.  Nothing; if you hadn't noticed.

Life has just been CRAZY these past couple weeks trying to get caught up on all things household wise, school is starting soon for our 8th grader and the big "K" for Hayden AND work has been obnoxious to say the least.  I *love* my job.  I *love* my job.  I *love* my job.

I have tons of posts simmering on the burner about things that have been on my heart & mind of late but just haven't finished cooking them yet. I want them to be raw, yet well done so I won't sit on them for too much longer.

I promise.

In the meantime, I have a few favorite blogs that you can visit:

Inspiration To Dream (My faraway friend Fi)

Compassion Family (My IRL friend Jill)

Sweetness in the Small Stuff (My IRL friend Mindy)

Housewife In Town (My IRL and Ethiopian Traveling Buddy, Laura, who I get to visit with tomorrow)

Shaun Groves

Root Ministry (Talk about inspiration!)

There are lots more from where these come from but this is a good start.

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how much our lives travel in synchronicity. I could write your posts some days.

    Yes it's been a little quiet my end as well and yes I have noticed you've also been a little bit quiet.

    Your comment "I love my job" x3 - yep ditto. Hence some of my reasons for some of the quiet my end - there's things in the pipeline, I'm trying to make things happen rather than sitting back and waiting for them to happen.

    and thank you for the shout out.

    Hope things settle down your side of the world real soon.

    Cheers, Fi


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