If you have read my blog for any length of time, you may be able to guess what I am doing instead of "Poking My Eyes Out With Needles."
Figured it out yet?
Yup, loathe it...but I have to do it at least once a year right....my kids do need clothes. Actually, we do go more than once a year but it is the bare minimum of shopping time. Get in, get out. Get it done.
I am not one of those moms that can go to the mall all day, just walking around, window shopping. I have never been and never will be.
Instead right at this moment, I am sitting in the corner of the food court at the mall, while the boy (almost man) is off shopping on his own. I gave him a wad of cash and told him how many outfits he had to at least come back with...and here I sit. I haven't seen or heard from him in well over an hour at this point.
I had lunch. People watched for a bit. Surfed the internet. Fiddled around on Facebook. And now I am here. Yes, I brought my lap top because I figured I would be here a while and why not be productive. In all honesty, I brought my laptop as a last resort. I had to break it out to entertain myself because I was starting to fall asleep on these cozy couches they have tucked over in the corner of the food court. I figured nobody wants to hear me snoring or wipe my drool.
And for people watching. I do love me some people watching. Just as I was wrapping up this post a young couple sat down. Both heavily tattooed. The women, all belly, pregnant. They took out the cutest little TMNT onesie with some booties. The momma didn't seem to keen on the purchase but the dad, loved it, of course. Then shortly after that a little boy goes running by with his dad quickly in tow, shouting that he has to go poop. LOL. Which reminds me when I was in the bathroom earlier today and the little girl in the stall next to me was giving a narrative while her mother was going to the bathroom. Don't you love that. I just posted on my Facebook page a couple weeks ago about this. My kids always do that..so embarassing. Do your kids ever do that?
Have ya'll finished up your back to school shopping yet? Ya'll that is funny. That just reminded me of Wille Robertson from Duck Dynasty in God's Not Dead. Seen the movie? I have now watched it 3 times. Such a good movie with such a great message....
Has your faith ever been tested? What are you willing to sacrifice?BTW, at the end of our shopping trip, we indulged in this...so the couple hours in the mall was worth it.

Yes, that is a heaven