It's been a bit of time since I last posted so I thought I would take a minute (or 10) to play a little catch up for you all that are still out there reading my blog ever so occasionally. Time just gets away and it has been too precious of late to spend on the computer blogging. As I come upon my 3 year blogoversary I am going to switch things up a bit and try and write more on the weekends with the post timed to publish throughout the week so my blog can stay fresh rather than stale like it has been. I did that early on in my blogging days and it seemed to work but then not sure where I veered off course. Oh well, I know it happens to the best of us.
Another thing that I finally have caught on to is that, this mom needs some me time. I am finding when I have some alone/me time just to veg out, do whatever I so choose then that makes for much better days with family. I have been getting a bit overwhelmed lately with all the activities, work, school, etc that at times I feel like I have been possessed. No seriously ask my husband. So right this very second, here I sit blogging, while my family is at church. Yes, I skipped church to have some alone/ me time. I don't like doing that but for today I did.
What do you do when you get overwhelmed with life?
So catching up....Fall is in full swing in our neck of the woods and the wind and the rain are clear proof. Another piece of proof that I love about fall in our area is the changing colors everywhere. Fall foliage rocks! And the Columbia Gorge area is one of the best areas in the country to venture out into for changing colors. And I am not just saying that because I live here...It is a known fact...even
Huffington Post included us in an article a couple years back. (And you know if it is in Huffington Post, that it must be true). What is your favorite part of fall?
We had a couple more firsts this past week. Hayden started playing organized basketball. His first game was Saturday. It is so funny to watch the kids at this age. Comic relief that is for sure. The only rule, is there are no rules. I guess technically when the ball goes out of bounds then the whistle blows so that is one they stick to but other than on. He did real well for his first game. He even got the ball a few times and attempted to make a couple baskets.

Tyler had his first homecoming bonfire. Homecoming football game (he was part of the freshman homecoming float that took second place). And homecoming dance, however they will be getting a second chance for this first since about an hour into the dance, they were put in lock down. Yup, some person in a neighborhood near the school was seen with a gun so police blocked off the area and put the school in lock down. Instead of dancing the night away to thumping music, they got to sit in the dark in the back of the school in silence until all was clear. Now don't get me wrong, it is a serious matter and I am glad everyone is ok. It ended up being a false alarm but these days it is better to be safe than sorry, I know. It just makes me sad that our kids can't even go to a school dance and be safe or feel safe for that matter. School officials allowed parents to pick up their kids around 1030pm and said it will be rescheduled.
And did I mention we celebrated a birthday this week! Tyler turned 15! Hard to believe my second born is already 15. He is chomping to get his drivers permit now. Watch out.
Kaylyn has a princess tea birthday party that she was invited to this next week. I found a frilly pink princess dress at Goodwill ($4.99) the other day that fits her perfectly. She is so excited! It is all she has talked about since we received the invite. I found a tiara, some fake jewelry and a wand at Dollar Tree ($3.00). No all I need is to get her some tights. She is going to look so purdy. I will be sure to post some pictures.
Do you dress your kids up for Halloween? What are they going to be?
I also found a cute fall centerpiece at Goodwill for $1.99! Now my kitchen table looks purdy.
Check back tomorrow for my Menu Plan Monday post. Yup, I am writing it right now.
Until next time! Have a blessed day!