Remember when....You had to get up out of your chair and turn the TV on and off or turn the knobs, yes, knobs to turn the channel?
Remember when....You could go to the corner quick mart by yourself at age 7 or so with a dollar in hand and walk out with tons of goodies....Lemon Heads, Red Hots, Zots, the small cans of soda?
Remember when....everyone wore watches...Now use our PDA, Smartphones, Ipod, Ipad, Cell Phones, etc...
Remember when....we had to review and use a paper map when we were out and we use GPS...
Remember when...we used an 8 track or cassette tape player....I do remember the 8 track vaguely because my grandma still had one when I was younger (and a record player) but for the most part I used the cassette tape player when I was growing up...
Remember when....all we had was rotary dial telephones....I hated those...It took 5 mins just to dial a phone number...
Remember when....the first cellular phones were introduced, they were like a brick in size and weight AND they cost a first born if you were lucky enough or cool enough to have one....
Remember bought your first home was super expensive, very large and had very little memory....(kinda like me at times...just the memory
Remember when you were younger and you had to walk to school, 5 miles, uphill (both ways), barefoot in 6 ft of snow....(sorry had to throw this in because I remember when my dad used to say this when I would complain about walking somewhere)...
What do you remember that our children today will probably never remember? And then when we tell them about it, they probably won't believe us...OR make us feel very old!

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