Sunday, January 16, 2011


I broke down and subscribed to a magazine.  I don't normally subscribe to magazines, although I read many often (probably too much) I ordered one from Tyler's school fundraiser this past November for $10.00 for 6 issues.  Not bad, right, considering this magazine is usually $4.99 at the check stand.

Lo' and behold, it was in my mailbox yesterday and I can't wait to get a quiet moment (fat chance for that, huh?) to thumb through it.  I am already drooling looking at a few of the topics.  Maybe tomorrow bright and early when everyone is still sound asleep?

The name of the magazine really hits on the nose what I have been trying to incorporate in day to day life these days and I have a whole other post that I am going to be doing on the subject for that matter...

Can you guess what magazine I ordered?


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