A cat in New Zealand brings new meaning to the term Cat Burgler. At first he was stealing bark chips, leaves, newspapers, magazines and bringing them back to his owner.
But now Gus the cat apparently has a hankering for shoes (can you say Imelda Marcos?). And not any particular shoe...he does not discriminate. He brings home anything from hiking boots to sandals and makes an announcement once he gets home with a big meow. If the items he is carrying are to big to get through the kitty door, he leaves them outside. And, he even sometimes goes back to the scene of the crime for the second shoe to make a pair. To date Gus has made off with more than 60 shoes from his unsuspecting neighbors.
Gus' owner are beside themselves as to what to do. They want to return the shoes to the rightful owners so they put all the shoes in a box and leave them on their front porch for people to peruse.
Missing a shoe anyone?

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