Not sure where to start.
1. I haven't posted a Confessions post since December and I am certain I have had tons of failures. I think I have run out of paper at this point.
2. I haven't even written a blog post since May 21. Here is why.
3. It has been rough this past year. 3 family members passing. I have not been handling it all that well on a personal level and it is clearly obvious. I am a hot mess more often than not.
4. We have been having a bit of a heat wave round the parts , last couple weeks, coupled with working longer hours, I can probably count on one hand how many times I have actually made a full sit down meal for our family. It's a wonder why our bank account seems empty and our waist lines are expanding.
5. I need will power. I need to will myself to blog more, take more time for myself doing whatever I want and not apologize or feel guilty for doing so (but this is so extremely hard given #7).
6. I need to let go
7. This is heavy. Our son Hayden was diagnosed with ADHD about a year and a half ago. It makes me angry, sad, depressed, mad, guilty. I could go on. I don't talk about it much to many. At times, I feel like we are in our own private heck dealing with what comes with having a child with ADHD. I know that sounds silly because I know how prevelant it really is (and I know there are plenty of families with children who are much worse with cancers, disabilities, etc so please don't take this out of context). I hear the statistics. Our son is now included in that. My heart breaks.
What are you struggling with? Don't be shy. I know I am not the only one out there. I feel sometimes these confessional posts are a bit freeing. I can validate my failures and somewhat move on. Not that they go away by any means but....You know what I mean, right?
Summer time fun!