Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Am Thankful For...

For my husband who you can often find on the couch watching football but he is home safe with me and our children.

For my *complaining* teenager, my *social butterfly* tween, my *energetic* toddler and my *teething* infant who are happy and healthy.

For the *high* medical premiums and taxes we pay out each paycheck because it means we are employed and have medical insurance.

For the mess I will have to clean up after Thanksgiving dinner for that means I have been surrounded by friends and family.

For the pants that will be a little more snug after dinner because I have enough to eat.

For being able to see my breath when outside in the cold or beads of sweat when it is hot for I am outside and free.

For the lawn that needs mowing, the garden that needs weeding, the gutters that need to be cleaned out, the yard that needs to be winterized...I have a roof over my head.

For the parking spot out in left field on Black Friday for that means I am capabale of walking and I have reliable transportation.

For my huge heating and water bill.  I am warm and I have clean water to drink.

For the pile of laundry that never ends.  My family has clothes to wear.

For the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means I am alive, I can hear and have somewhere to go.

I am truly blessed and thankful to have such wonderful friends and family.  Please count your blessings and be thankful for the things that you might normally complain about. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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