Time for another brain purge Friday edition.
T.G.I.F is all I have to say (not really).
I have unpacked 2.5 boxes this week! Whoo-hoo! Yeah, for me. Ha!
I have been taking tons of pictures in my spare time. And have been playing around with Picmonkey photo editing. Have you heard of it? (Thanks Laura for turning me onto this). Best thing since sliced bread. Super easy to use. I am not the best photographer by any means but this editing site makes my pictures look so much better. Here are a few recent pictures that I edited a little bit.
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The littles petting our neighbors. Chante and Bonnie. |
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I stopped and smelled the roses. |
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The girls. |
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Hayden is having his birthday celebration at preschool today since his birthday is in the summer. He picked out cookies for his treat to take to school. Store bought. We can't bring home made items. Not that I would have made homemade ones anyways since baking was not on my agenda for this past week. Have you seen my kitchen? (Bad mom, I know).
I have a new Project Support person at work. She started last Thursday. Originally, we were going to have her work on our Help Desk however after seeing her credentials I asked to have her on my team for Project Support. Everything is going along swimmingly. Her and I have hit it off really well and she has already deloaded me quite a bit. I am feeling a lot less pressure at work. Which is AWESOME. There for a while I didn't know which way was up at work which didn't make for a very happy employee.
I found a new coffee place not to far from our new house and they are open super early (just for me; I wish). Of course I am still not drinking coffee but they make a mean hot chocolate. And it is locally owned! I saw a couple coffee cups there today with the following quotes which I just love:
"Mornings wouldn't be so bad if they just started later."
"I am not procrastinating, I am just still working on yesterdays stuff."
"Just when I got used to yesterday, TODAY happened."
My dads birthday was yesterday AND I am such a bad daughter, in the midst of the moving, I forgot to send his birthday card. It is in the mail now but of course it is late. Better late than never? I hope he understands, I am sure he will.
The teachers in Tyler's school district looks like they are going on strike this Monday. No school at this point unless they can come to an agreement by Monday. Not looking very good though. This will be the 3rd district in our area to have contract negotiation issues these last couple months. One settled at the ninth hour, one went on strike for a day and now ours. Doesn't the school board and district realize all they are doing is hurting the students by not settling with the teachers. The teachers have been working without a formal contract since last June. And although the board and district like to make the public think it is only about money and raises, it isn't. There is so much more to the contract that the teachers are fighting for. It has been said that if they strike, the district might even cancel the rest of the school year. It is time to get'er done and stop fiddling around.
Ok, I am done for now...I can feel my blood pressure rising as I type about the strike situation.
Hope you all have a FAB weekend. Anything fun planned?

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