Saturday, January 27, 2018

Confessions Of A Non Superwoman #30


I have 30 of these types of posts??  What? That is a lot of humiliation.... but I guess it is alright, better to laugh at myself than at others, right PLUS...I like to keep it real around these parts.

I am sure I can easily write 150 of these each week but I'd rather not bore you so I periodically post some of the more meaningful fails just for giggles.  LOL.  I figure when I eventually look back fondly on this little ol' blog of mine, I will at least see how far I have really come.  Can I get an AMEN?

Talking about this little ol' blog of mine.  We go way back (go here to see when it all started) even though I don't write nearly as much lately (last couple years).  I have decided with the help of my, what I like to call life coach (ahh ummm counselor) that I am going to write more, I need to write more. I like to write. It is a good outlet for me, even if it is a silly post every couple days.

So bring on the humiliation....

1. Christmas (holidays) can't happen fast enough.  I know, I know ba-humbug.  I like the holidays, I just don't like the consumerism and all the hurrying that comes with it.  So anticlimatic.

2.  I love to cook but man, lately, I am a hot mess when it comes to actually cooking.  The kids seem to be getting a little bit pickier as they are getting older so I feel like more often than not when I cook what I think is an awesome meal, they are like....nah, not so much. SO...I just don't cook a lot during the week right now.  This to shall pass.  Yes, I still feed my kids, just not a 4 course gourmet meal. (Ha! Who am I kidding, like it was ever gourmet!)

3. I wrote about this I think in my last confessions post which was last year, like 2016, that we haven't had professional Christmas pictures in a couple years and well, not this year, either.  I take lots of pictures, I do, just not professional. Sorry not sorry.  Have you seen some of these?

4. My paperwork at home is getting out of hand. I need an intervention.  I used to be so good and organized with the yearly file boxes with a folder for each month to put all your paperwork in, warranty papers,  bills, etc...and now. THIS.

(Maybe I should contact this company for help Add Space To Your Life)

5. My 7 year old daughter, one morning recently, crawls into my bed, it must have been around 5:45am right before my alarm was going to go off and says..."Mom, why do dogs lick their butt?"   .....

And I got nuthin especially that early!  Kids, they say the darndest things at the darndest times.  I had to save that one for later.  Still chewing on this one. I think I will goo-goo it. Lol. 

Goo-Goo, did you see the Italian lady who was gifted a Google Home for Christmas.  Sooo funny. 

Check it out.

Any confessions?  Mom fails?  Dad fails?  Grandma fails?  C'mon, it's safe here.

Until we meet again.

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