Friday, February 22, 2013

Confessions Of A Non Superwoman #25

Yikes. I haven't done one of these posts since Nov.  No wonder I have so many "confessions" rolling around in my head.

1.  Today is Friday.  This is the first day I have blogged this week.

2.  I didn't even do my Tuesday Archive Link Up hosting duties.....which is a simple post.  My bad.

3.  Second week on the new job.  Still trying to get into a routine.  Not working out very well.

4.  My dishes are piled high in the sink and laundry still lonely sitting on our love seat.

5.  My Weigh In Wednesday post, yeah, didn't happen.

6.  I haven't even gone to the gym this week therefore didn't weigh in and I.AM.NERVOUS.

7.  A few old habits came back this week that I am not proud of.  TIRED. So I have drank a soda a day this week (not everyday but still).  I was doing so good with just drinking water.  MUST.DRINK.WATER.

8.  I keep forgetting my lunch at home.  Made it on a few ocassions and then WALKED.RIGHT.OUT.THE.DOOR. without it. Nice.

9.  Heading to Lincoln City this weekend for T's Basketball Tournament.  Nothing packed.

10.  Nothing packed.  Who am I kidding?  Nothing to pack unless I finish up laundry! 

It is going to be a long day!  Up at 4am this morning.  Probably won't hit the pillow tonight until pretty late with work and everything else I need to accomplish before heading out of town in the morning. 

Any confessions you want to share?  It would make me feel so much better to know I am not the only one struggling to balance EVERYTHING.

Have a great day y'all!

Ha!  Learning this all over again with new job=new hours.
It is all good though.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Lots of directions to be pulled in. It'll all come together eventually. Confession: We went away for a quick overnight last weekend and I dug through 2 hampers and 3 piles of dirty clothes to weed out the essentials (outfits) that the 7 of us would need. And I HATE drinking water. blech.
    I hope you enjoy your time away and have a great week!


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