We had to rush Kaylyn our 11 month old to the ER yesterday. We are at Emanual Hospital PICU Portland. She swallowed a sunflower seed shell and it got lodged in her bronchial area. They were able to remove it in surgery last night but has left her bronchial area very swollen. She had to be incubated all night. She is now breathing on her own but we have been told that she will still most likely be here for a few days until all the swelling goes down.
I would appreciate any and all prayers for her and our family during this time.
Please pray that God continue to guide the doctors/nurses in giving her the best care and that God will lay his hand on her and help her heal quickly.
Thank you all so much!

Warm thoughts and prayers to your family and baby girl...May she have a speedy recovery...
ReplyDeleteI will be praying most definitely!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry this happened. How very scary. I will be praying!
ReplyDeleteLong Wait For Isabella
Definitely praying for your sweet girl.
ReplyDeleteOh, that sounds terrible- for baby AND Mommy! Sending positive thoughts for healing and for you to get some rest.
ReplyDeletePraying for your family!!!
ReplyDeleteLord we lift up little Kaylny to you ans ask that youw ould continue to pour out your healing balm of Gilead upon her little body Lord. We thank you that she is the healed and not the sick in Jesus name. We thank you that you continue to guide the doctors and nurses and all caregivers in her stay as she is healed give each one your wisdom Lord. We thank you that their hands are your ahnds in Jesus name. Thank you that you give Kaylyn rest Lord that she is the healed from the top of her head to the very soles of her feet in Jesus name. Thank you Lord that you are with mom and dad as well as siblings and other family members Lord. Give them your perfect peace and rest Lord that surpasses all understanding in Jesus name. We thank you that you are meeting all of their needs above and beyond anything that they could drea of ingmine in Jesus name. We thank you Lord for sendiong those that would be an encouragement and help up lift them in Jesus name in this time of of healing Lord. We thank you that no weapos formed against them shouldever prosper and that all need are perfectly meet in you in Jesus name. We thank you for the speedy recovery Lord. That Kaylyn will be playign and growing as she should in Jesus name. Thank you for the Victory in every area. Bring in the extra fiances that will be needed and required Lord. We thank you for that now in Jesus name Amen
You're in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteYou got it!
ReplyDeleteOh my! Scary! Praying for you all!
ReplyDeleteWe had a very similar experience in January. Our 14 month old swallowed a bead. It blocked his entire airway. They were able to remove it, but the intubation and surgery made his throat swell almost completely shut. It was a long ordeal, but he is much better now. Prayers for your baby girl...
ReplyDeleteMelissa :)
Glad to hear she is doing well, and a great reminder to me to be careful around our upcoming baby with seeds!
ReplyDeleteNice to ‘meet’ you!
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