It has been a looooong couple weeks and quite honestly I have more *confessions* than I know what to do with right now but I will start with these....
Confessions: The Christmas Edition
- I am still not done with my Christmas shopping. And it is 3 days away. I KNOW. Come Saturday night you will probably find me in line at 7-11 buying calendars and smelly roses.
- Of the presents that I do have, none are wrapped. They are still in bags at the top of closets or in the trunks of cars.
- Our poor Christmas is so so sad looking. It barely looks decorated. All of the ornaments are 3ft off the bottom so little hands and paws don't take the ormaments off.
- I haven't even put my tree skirt under the tree yet. I guess it doesn't matter anyways (see #1 & #2)
- I totally failed in the baking department this year. Not a single cookie was baked in our kitchen for Christmas. I know we have a few more days but don't think it is going to happen. (See #1 & # 2)
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I don't have any of my children's gifts wrapped, either. Each time I read a blog post where someone mentions that I SWEAR I'm going to get up and get started. Then I start reading blogs again. I know... terrible.
ReplyDeleteMy Christmas confession... I can't wait for it to be over so we can get back to daily life. I know... even more terrible than the wrapping not getting done.
Have a great week!
None of our presents are wrapped yet either. There is something just great happening at my house right now, are ya ready for it?
ReplyDeleteWe are taking down the tree to up a NEW one UP!! Ours is dead so a new one must go up. GRRRR!
I am with you 100% on 1, 2, and 3. As for #4, the skirt is under the tree, it's just all crumpled.
ReplyDeleteI confess I should be scouring Amazon for a Christmas gift for my parents and in-laws right now instead of reading your blog. But this is much more fun! :)
I did not have any presents until Tuesday, and have only just finished wrapping them. My skirt is under the tree but most definitely needed an iron..... but there's presents on it now so what a shame, it will have to be unironed!
ReplyDeleteOh Jenn, you're right about us going backward and forward LOL. I can sense your 'busyness' from your post. Read that as 'stress'
ReplyDeleteRepeat after me "I am not superwoman and no-one expects me to be" now go and lie on the couch (preferably after the littlies have gone to bed) and take some deep calming breaths. Now laugh out loud - quietly though, so you don't wake the kids.
Feel better now?
You and I both know that you will get through what has to be done, we're mums after all and you will look back on Christmas and wonder what all the stress was about.
Your kids will still have an awesome day and your family will still appreciate that you love them, the rest (baking and such) is just trimmings.
Hugs, Fi