This is a new linky that I decided to join today just for a litte fun. Thank you Five Crooked Halos for hosting this blog hop.
1. What is your favorite Christmas cookie?
Can I say all? Hehehe. I do however like most cookies but nothing with too many nuts. If I had to choose just one I would say snickerdoodles.
2. What's your favorite holiday movie & why?
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. It is just hilarious and we can all relate to it somehow. The dysfunction. The cousin Eddie family member. It never gets old. I have watched it a million times and still laugh the whole time.
3. Is there a gift that you bought for your kids that you wish you hadn't after they opened it?
Anything with small parts. The more small parts, the more I am stepping on them in the middle of the night.
4. What is the messiest room in your house right at this moment?
What room isn't. LOL. My laundry room. Always in a state of chaos. But I just shut the door. So nobody knows. Shh...Don't tell anyone, k?
5. What is the furthest you have driven for the holidays?
Not very far. When was younger all of our family was pretty close by and now as an adult with children, the family that we celebrate with comes to us since it is easier.
Now, it's your turn.
Have a great Friday!

That's my favorite christmas movie too!