Did you have a good Easter? Good. We did as well. We went to Easter Church service which was fabulous! I will post some pictures soon. It was also beautiful in our neck of the woods. I think it hit almost 60. We opened up most of our windows in the house to get fresh air flowing and played outside for most of the day. For dinner we had 5 Cheese Lasagna, Salad and Garlic Bread.
GOD is good.
Here is what we had for dessert
Drumroll please.....

It's just too cute for words! I don't enjoy eating Peeps, but they sure do make adorable decorations! I love that this is an easy, last minute treat you can make up! Thanks for linking up at Reasons To Skip The Housework! Our regular party, Tuesday Time Out - will be up and running tomorrow so come visit again!
Reasons To Skip The Housework {The Blog}
Tinker B Boutique {The Shop}