Friday, September 7, 2012

Confessions Of A Non Superwoman #23

It's Friday!  Whoo-hoo.  What better way to get this party started than to clear the air and confess.

1.  School started this week.  So unorganized.  Nuff said.

2.  I had a complete kitchen FAIL last weekend, did you catch it? 

3.  No Menu Plan this week.  Not even in my head! 

4.  I did not go grocery shopping this week. 

5.  Due to #3 & #4 , we ate out 2x!  Not good, not good at all.

6.  I JUST bought the little man a new back pack and new socks last night.  (He started school on Wed).  See his picture below.

7.  I have been such a horrible blogger and blogging buddy these past couple weeks.  I have barely blogged, read or commented on my favorite blogs.  Sorry guys.

Photo: My boys first day of school. Tyler 8th grade. Hayden Kindergarten. Sniff. Sniff.

Ok, I feel better.  What about you?  Do you have any confessions you would like to share. I promise it will lift a weight off your shoulders.  Just let it all out.



  1. I'm glad you feel better letting it all out:)

  2. Must be something in the air because I'm struggling to keep up with blogging, commenting, visiting etc let alone just life. Hope your little man has settled into school well and don't be so hard on yourself.

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