It's official I am aging (but not with grace). My daily look in the mirror tells me so. As I was looking in the mirror TODAY I noticed a few "newer" hairs....Yeah, hairs as in plural...and they were on my chin! Give me the tweezers, stat!
What is up with that? I am not that old! Why do I have hair on my chin? I thought only men got hair on their chin? And my upper lip...I need a wax job!
And well my crows feet around my eyes, they have their own feet (and are procreating as I type this). Thank you mom for those!
Baggies under my eyes, man, I could pack a lunch in them! Or a couple!
My laugh lines around my mouth I am ok with those...that means I have many reasons to laugh and smile, which I do...
Saggy b**bs and the muffin top, don't even get me going on those; 4 kids later; need I say more plus this is a family blog so I better be careful.
And my hair, lets just say I will be dying it real soon....

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