Seriously, I couldn't help but chuckle after saying it out loud in the empty car (and like the woman could hear me). I didn't actually honk my "real" horn or anything.
You see my son and now my daughter have this little driving toy that has a steering wheel, a whole bunch of buttons, little gear shift, flashing lights, etc and it says all these cute little sayings such as:
Beep.Beep. Out of the Way. I'm Driving.
Filler Up. I'm out of gas. (I think I will start saying this when I am tired)
Slow down, little fella.
And I often times find myself saying these things out loud, to others, not even realizing guess this is what happens when you
Do you ever try and cut up your husbands meat at dinner?
What about referring to your spouse as "mommy" or "daddy" when talking to others?
Before going somewhere asking your spouse if they have to go potty?

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