Not to be The Scrooge (once again) but I am glad the holidays are
They are a whole lot of work…
We work ourselves into a tizzy over the last several weeks...
Cleaning for company.
Decorating trees. Houses. Hanging lights.
Buying gifts for kids. Moms. Dads. Aunts. Uncles. Cousins.
Wrapping gifts for kids. Moms. Dads. Aunts. Uncles. Cousins (did I ever tell you how much I love to wrap presents?)
Baking cookies. Pies.
Cooking turkeys. Hams. Mashed Potatoes and all the other fixins…for this ONE day…
And then, then we have to take it all down.
The tree. Decorations. Lights.
Clean it all up. The wrapping paper. Tissues. Boxes. Bags. Dishes in the kitchen. Pots and pans.
It never ends....
So I pose the question...Was it worth it?
My answer might surprise you....
To see the joy on my childrens faces Christmas morning...
To be able to enjoy my family as we sit around eating a delicious meal, sharing and making memories...
Even though I am utterly exhausted by the end of the day and our living room looks like a toy store hit by a tornado...
Until next year Santa....

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