Without trying to come across as "preachy" because I "try" not to be that way however there are certain topics that I have strong opinions about. And unless you are "preachy" you are unable to get the point across.
WARNING: This post is not going to be light hearted and probably will come across as "preachy". And I may offend someone without meaning to.
As I was sitting in church this past Sunday our pastor Mike H said something that struck me and has stuck with me the last couple days..."Never tire of helping others."
So often many of us (including me at times) only give to those less fortunate than us around the holidays. Why just around the holidays? Does it make us feel better about our own overindulgence by giving a toy or a food basket to a child or family in need 1-2 times a year? What happens to these children or families in need the rest of the year? Just because it is no longer Thanksgiving or Christmas doesn't mean they still don't need help.
Where are we during the other 10 months out of the year? (insert chirping cricket sound)...... That's what I thought.
I know in these tough economic times that many everyday average families are struggling in one way or another HOWEVER you are more *fortunate* if you are reading this from your computer, in your warm home, wearing your dry clothes, sipping a cup of hot coffee or eating a warm meal...
If you can't make it a habit to donate money regularly, there are so many ways you can get involved and stay involved year round without spending a dime. It isn't necessarily always about giving money or objects but rather give of your time.
Sometimes giving of your time serves the needs of others better than money. We all have a little bit extra of this, don't we? Get your kids involved too so they can start "giving back".
So instead of just talking the talking, how about talk the talk and walk the walk....
Here are some local charities that are near and dear to me:
Zarephath Kitchen & Food Pantry
My Father's House
Anawim Community Church (Homeless Outreach)
Compassion Connect (They help with the volunteer coordination of warming shelters during the colder months)
Birch Community Services
And if you know or hear of someone struggling pass this information along and/or direct them to 211 if you can not help. This is always a good resource for many local social service agencies.
Ok, enough "preaching" for one post.
Can you pass me the step stool? I need to climb down from my soapbox now.

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