Goodbye to the beautiful people of Ethiopia and Good Morning to Amsterdam.
After a very very long flight from Addis, I have arrived in Amsterdam. We had to sit on the tarmac for 1 1/2 hrs because there were people from Karthoum still on the plan because they could not land on the way down due to a sandstorm. That made for double booking so it took some time to figure things out and get luggage figured out as well. In the end we all got where we were suppose to be. I think.
It is bittersweet as I sit here and type this post. I am going to miss Ethiopia dearly. The people in the villages that we visited will always have a special place in my heart and will always be in my prayers. They really touched my soul. They are so grateful for what they have which is very little. If only us *fringes* were more like that. I have witnessed first hand what it means to live in poverty. With nothing. Literally nothing but hope for a better tomorrow. They live for today because that is all they may have.
The hardest hit village that we visted was Megaladi which is about 45 minutes out side of Dire Dawa. They do not have ample food to feed their family regularly. They have no clean water. No medicine for those that are ill. No transportation. No livestock. No means to produce income. Nothing.
We broke bread with them. We broke down communication barriers. We shared with them that we want to help them, but they also need to help themselves. They understood. They want to become self sustainable but they need a little bit of help to get there.
Would you be that help?
Each of the 4 volunteers who went on this trip have commited to secure 25 sponsors each for a total of 100 for this village.
For $12.00 per month you can help make a huge impact in this village. You can help transform this village into something great. We have seen what $12.00 per month x 100 sponsors can do. Check out Garmaam, one of the other villages that we visited and has been sponsored this past year. They have water. They have a health post. They have livestock. They have become self sustainable. It is possible.
Let's do this for Megaladi. We need to do this for Megaladi. You and me.

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