It has been two weeks since I have left Ethiopia and have been home.
Even now two weeks later, I am still chewing on a lot of things. I have been taking *inventory* so to speak of a lot of things, trying to figure out my next step. I feel like things are a bit in limbo. So many things I would like to do just unsure of how to go about it.
If it was simple, I would pick up my family, move across the world and live with the people of the villages that I visited. Sharing the word. Sharing our lives. Sharing our heart and souls. But I know it is not that simple, unfortunately.
So now what? I have seen the day to day lives of these people that touched my inner being. I see how they live with so little and us with so much abundance. I know I should not feel guilty for the opportunity that I, we, have been given but how can I not?
It has been so hard not to go into each of our closets, toy bins, cupboards, and just start purging. Getting rid of the *wants* and just living with the *needs* which is still more than many in Ethiopia have. More than many in most Third World Countries.
I don't mean to ramble (necessarily) but I mean seriously, they do not have clean WATER. Something we *probably* take for granted EVERY.DAY. when we are taking our morning shower. It is there when we turn on the shower. Hot water to bathe ourselves.
We want a drink of cold water. We go to the sink faucet or better yet the filtered water out of the refrigerator.
Dirty clothes. We throw them in the washer.
So basic yet so hard to come by for them. Water alone would make such a huge difference in their lives. Can you help me get them water?
Megaladi needs sponsors. They need sponsors bad. To help GHNI on ground staff help them transform their village and become self sustainable. $12.00 a month is all it takes.
I have seen the difference sponsorship has had on other villages like Hurso. This village now has a school. And Garmaam now has a health post. We visited both of these villages while we were there and it is truly amazing what can be done with so little money when the villagers alongside GHNI staff and volunteers work hard and believe in transformation.
It is real. It is tangible. The difference your sponsorship can make.
If you are interested in sponsoring Megaladi, visit the sponsorship page here.

You have such a huge heart! I can't imagine how hard it must be to adjust to the realization of just how much we take for granted. I'll definitely say prayers and I'll talk to my hubby about about switching our sponsorship over too :) We currently sponsor Christian Childrens fund but they're both great causes!!!