I have died and gone to cheese heaven.
Tons of cheeses and breads. Two of my most favorite things in the world. And the pastries here. They are like works of art. Articulately decorated. They are so pretty I don't want to eat them. But I did.
I think I have gained 10lbs here in the last two days, I swear (but I try not to most of the time; swear that is).
I didn't find the original cheese place that I was going to go to a tasting at because I got lost. But it is all good because there are plenty of cheese shops that give samples and the Cheese Mongers will answer any questions you may have about the cheeses. Plus in my being lost I found so much more of the city. Great fun explorin the City of Cheese which is what I am officially calling this place now. I bought several kinds. One with Pesto that my husband is going to L.O.V.E. I don't care for pesto all that much but this cheese is dreamy. And I also bought some Gouda because it is goooda. (LOL)
I met some friendly Italian University students at the hostel I am staying at. I had breakfast with them this morning. Hostel staying has been such a pleasant experience. It is the cheap way to travel and the hostel I am staying at has a full restaurant, pool tables, foosball tables, free wi fi, breakfast included and many other amenities that I just can't think of right now.
As I am typing this I am sitting in a McDonalds not too far away from my place (lol) that has wi fi having a cold drink before I head out on my next excursion. Wi Fi is everywhere in this city. And I mean EVERY.WHERE. They are wired that is for sure or unwired in this case, right?
I am going to try my luck on the bus again to get me to the Anne Frank House. From the map I have had at my nose all day it looks like it is to far to walk. I think earlier in the day I *may* have been close to it but not sure.
Funny thing, they have toilets throughout the city that you have to pay to use and most establishments charge you .30 euro to use the bathrooms even if you buy something. Kinda weird. And they are able to smoke in establishments which is unheard of in the US. My lungs need some fresh air.
I am going to head out again into the big City O'Amsterdam.
Catch you later.

Cheese and bread - yeah Amsterdam sounds like my kinda city - yummo!