I am not Ebenezer Scrooge!
I was sharing with a few of my friends at church yesterday regarding Christmas lights on the house because my husband decided he wanted to put lights on the house this year. Now these look pretty (in most cases) don’t get me wrong. And I like to see the reactions of my small children as they delight in the twinkling lights. But I prefer looking at the twinkling of lights on *other* peoples houses not our own.
Why do you ask?
I think what it boils down to is the need for many (men) to “Keep up with the Jones” when it comes to Christmas lights (not man bashing here just making an honest observation). Have you seen National Lampoons Christmas Vacation or Deck The Halls recently?
Just follow me for a second…. I look at neighboring houses and it doesn’t seem like one strand of lights across the rooftop is ever enough. I see many of my neighbors almost daily, adding a strand here, a blow up snowman there, etc…trying to “one up” the neighbor next door or down the street. Sorry if I don’t want our family to partake in this competition.
It is not that I don’t like Christmas and all the festivities, traditions, etc that go along with it but Christmas is not about how many Christmas lights you can put on your house, it is about the birth of Jesus and if I recall, there weren’t any twinkling lights (other than real stars) in the manger.

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